About This Game UBERMOSH is a fast-paced arcade series that started in 2015 and was shaped by the amazing community's feedback each new volume. The 5th volume shows the Blade Saint 1200 years after the events of the first game with a set of new powers and more aggressive antagonists. Double your physical strikes, combo the Melter/Shield with the Brainclap and Manastrike of the previous volumes, fight smarter versions of the classic foes and go Hardboiled for a visceral reflex polish. 7aa9394dea Title: UBERMOSH Vol.5Genre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Walter MachadoPublisher:Walter MachadoRelease Date: 25 May, 2017 UBERMOSH Vol.5 Activation Code [full Version] ubermosh vol.5 It's like The Expendables. "They can't possibly do another one!". But they do. And it's awesome again.. I really love these series but what i really want to see is more awesome music, tougher and different looking enemies and class modes that have special weapons only for them.Keep up the good work, Walter!. This game is great, but has some flaws. The art isnt as good as its predecessors and the game is kinda easy, even with hardboiled mode. What makes it cool is having an extra gun, shooting a lot of bullets and getting fast brainclap, but again, its way too easy.. The Ubermosh games are all suprisingly enjoyable twinstick shooters. Each game is iterative and improves only slightly, so either get the whole collection or the most recent one, as the older versions are simply inferior.. Ubermosh is just something that I can't believe. The developer actively listens to the players' feedback and with each release/version of Ubermosh that comes out, it just gets better and better. This is why I play video games. Fast action, crazy hard, yet never actually pisses me off. It is so much fun, so buttery smooth yet the controls are super tight.This game may be tiny, but there's different ways to play it.Try a "Co-Op": One player uses a controller to move the character, and the other uses a mouse/controller to aim and shoot. This'll get a few laughs for sure.You can try playing with the in game mods or try doing weird personal challenges like "only run left" or "can't move" challenges. Simple, short and sweet, but extremely fun to boot up a few times a week in between playing bigger games.Ubermosh is just awesome.. Spamming Simulator 2017. What's a processor?I've never heard of it..........hey why is my computer on fire?-me playing this game. Wraith is more difficult.This one has the same problem Black vs Vol1 has. It does almost the same thing as the last one only slightly harder.. Fast-paced, action packed, perfect game to play when matchmaking. the game got better the vol.2 and vol.3 is so unnecssary types but we saw them too i am a loyal player of this and i recommend this to every arcade player TWEAK: 24 hours ago, Vol.7 launched, and for my luck, the beauty of Early Access with the Awesome UBERMOSH Community support started. Veterans of the mosh start sending priceless feedback about combat, balance, expectations, and a ton of insights for the next updates.Now, on version 0.3, Aia will have a bit more chances during the first steps of ASCENSION, Wook will find that some enemies upgraded their shields and Wanderer... oh, that fine fine tune and the perfect challenge curve got a tiny tweak with the SWARM starting a bit later (and it also affects Aia, that combo this tweak with the stronger Manastrike (that green ray)).My job continues working on the next steps, listening to you, nice folks, translating gameplay feedback to numbers, sounds, and images (yep, that will come soon). Many many thanks for the kindness and support. I am making my best to give you a worthy UUUUUUUUBEEEEEERRRMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHH.https://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachado. SANTICIDE: Howdy folks, it's been a long time, ...it took over a year since Vol. 5 to process all players gameplay feedback and ideas, think the next step of UBERMOSH lore, create the new content, balance and playtest everything.Checking the software clocks, UBERMOSH series got 3616 hours of Game Maker Studio and 684 hours of Black Ink for half of the production time. The other fraction was spent on audio, not just recording and playing, the journey for the correct timbre has a fascinating complexity. For example, the UBERMOSH fuzz timbre uses 2 matching BC109 transistors in a fuzz circuit, matching with a BC549 before the clipping. The new gun sounds and the shredder uses an analog delay self-cycling before overdrive to create the "energy" sounds... not mentioning the different slide materials tested to match the desired vibe for the track (a blue ceramic "Moonshine Slides" 246 won).UBERMOSH:SANTICIDEEach volume added something new to the table, Black brought Brainclap and the Blue gun, Vol. 3 came with endless pit and the swarm, Wraith inserted the Manastrike, Vol. 5 gave Dual strike, Shield and Melter. Santicide comes with way more enemies (with more cosmetic differences) better AI, more shielded enemies that will cover the smarter thugs, a stronger, faster and even smarter enemy with a new usable gun, you can choose the Vol.5 Dual Strike or starting with a Single Strike that will climb to Double and Triple (triggered by time) or go with the Single Strike + Shredder, a slow-moving time triggered energy attack that counters shield.You have the Classic mode being able to be changed (without resetting scores) to Hardboiled (more challenge, more scoring opportunities) and Santicide (a mode aimed for the veterans, with its own Santicide Achievements).By the end of the month I will be able to launch it, you can follow some of my production updates here: https://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachadoMany many thanks for the support, see you soon.. Bonus Content: Howdy folks, since update 1.4 (UBERMOSH Vol.7) that inserted a bit of "soil hue variability" to keep your eyes fresh and, for fresh ears, it allowed the tracks to play the Classic version and the Darkmix version (low tunned and with levels to match an old, mahogany oiled, speaker cabinet), some players asked for the Darkmix tracks to be released.Please check your Music tab on Steam, it should appear 12 dark mixed versions of the Classic UBERMOSH tunes, and if for some reason Steam can't find it, it is near the Easter Eggs folder inside UBERMOSH installation folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\UBERMOSH Vol.7). It should be inside the eggs, but it was moved to the side to make it easier to appear on the Music tab on Steam. I am pretty happy with the game balance, performance, gameplay, and cosmetic elements... My huge thanks for the community feedback that made it possible, detailed hub suggestions, impressions, and Steam Reviews (that are extremely important for the game visibility and Store relevance)!More stuff soonhttps://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachado. NEW ULTAKAAR: "The Colony is expanding, the Saints of New Ultakaar in their path to Ascension (and to bring us Enlightenment) can call a... UUUBERMOSHH!!"Since 2015 I have not put a game in Early Access. The previous volumes of the UBERMOSH series followed the steps of the Blade Saint, from "Green" to an "Ascended" entity. Now, Vol.7, the class mods, and the single character were traded by multiple progressive characters. The final version will have 6 characters, today 3 are ready to play. The first one "Saint Clone Aia" is an inexperienced clone of the glorious Blade Saint, she starts with 0.001% ascension (to not say zero) with just the blade like in the first game and will have all Blade Saint's powers and a bit more at 100% ascension, progressing from 5 to 5%. The second, "Artificer Wook", starts with 80% ascension and can progress by steps of 1%. He has a shoot that can destroy bullets and some shields and progressive extra firepower, presenting a very aggressive style of gameplay and a more linear difficulty thru the match. The third, "Wanderer T667" can double-strike + full auto with guns and has a symbiote that can melee attack, becoming more active with an increased ascension. The maps are now carefully handcrafted instead of seamless and the pit has some limits that change the pace of the combat. Various cosmetical contrast changes, blood shape tweaks and the way the framework deals with the graphical elements allowed more stuff on screen without affecting visibility and performance. Noise rock tracks will be inserted along the time to meet the New Ultakaar vibe. It is a very complex game to balance and solo making, it is taking way more time than the previous volumes and your support and feedback is very important (yep, I included that "music mute" button). I like to hear how are you dealing with the new game elements and what characters you would like to see as the next 3. Many many thanks for the company and kindness along this development journey since the first game. Pretty awesome community. More stuff soon.https://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachado. 6/6: Early this year, the ASCENSION concept was inserted on the UBERMOSH series. The main quest was to create the experience of the character getting stronger, ascending thru enlightenment.It started Steam Early Access with 3 characters, aiming to get the next 3 before May/2019 and check for the final balance before release.How hard is, to make in a few months, the game this amazing community deserves?Santicide. I can say that it would not be possible without your fantastic feedback, shared impressions and on-point suggestions. Not all ideas can enter on the release version, but lots of it were tested. Colorblind mode works, Square maps don't (inconsistent difficulty for randomly shaped arenas). Autofire Class works, Miniboss class don't (impossible to dodge). A Kensai class works, ...Gunner class too...Version 0.6 is very very close to how the final version will look like.It is time to get your achievements!Many many thanks, it is hard to describe how proud I am for this community support during the development journey.Reviews, hub threads, videos, score screenshots... it helps a lot!https://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachado. DRIFTER: How personal can a game be?During the latest months, I was working on better ways to program procedural content frameworks, "organic-like" AI behaviors and ways to insert physics elements to the gameplay. My production flow is pretty experimental and my games are created to test the hypothesis.The procedural content generation framework started with the rocks formations and enemy placement on the first UBERMOSH. Trip to Vinelands came with the "seeds" concept, where variable levels were chosen and micro variations could happen in each level/map. It was improved on TTV2 and more variability could be generated without severe spikes on game difficulty. WARPZONE DRIFTER is the most recent version of the "seeds" framework with a very solid procedural execution, that evolution now allows the production of richer content for the next projects. The organic-like AI is a mix of a "fuzzy logic" and the "taking various and various elements" before object reaction, it started with the enemies flanking on my first games, got a swarm version on SWARMRIDERS (that evolved to UBERMOSH SWARM) and now it has a tentacle version of it, created for the latest project. These AI developing steps are very important to create a "fluid" enemy behavior that I keep improving. Physics elements inserted on gameplay kinda work as a simulator, and that player's piloting skills can be translated into the real world (for drone piloting, for example). Those 3 elements were the core of WARPZONE DRIFTER, a retro-arcade breakless drifter game, that I am proudly presenting you now. A very personal game made from all graphics to guitar recordings by the same person (that can be seen in a frame or two when you survive full time before extraction). Many thanks for the support, I hope you enjoy the game as much as I enjoyed making it.More stuff soon, you can follow the steps here:https://store.steampowered.com/developer/waltermachado
UBERMOSH Vol.5 Activation Code [full Version]
Updated: Mar 13, 2020